Today i will Teach you how a hacker set his key logger Build a Trojan file & then hack Your Pc , Accounts etc.
So you will learn hacking via keyloggers & then you will b able to protect your self from hackers.
there are thousands of key loggers but here we will talk about Madleets keylogger its very easy to use but this tutorial is for normal users so lets start.
Download Madleets keylogger from here
ok here the half image of madleets keylogger i divide it in 2 parts. in section 1 we will type our Gmail ID.
Yahoo msn gmail any one you like.But gmail is Gud & there is SMTP & port is already available. so just put your gmail id and password. in last blank it is Logs interval By default it is 15 Min. its mean you will recieve victim Pc Logs every 15 min.
Click On "Test Email" is it Valid or not. you will receive a Test email on your mail id.
in 2nd Section there are many features of keylogger Stealer, Clipboard logger,startup & many more. if i explain every one the tutorial will become too lengthy.
just follow the steps. Check the Stealer option it will steal some of passwords. Check the Clip board logger. if a user copy & paste his id + pass in browser then it will send it to hacker. check Startup
Usb spreader if you want to spread the trojan in more pc's. Block av sites so user cant open anti viruses companies sites. online virus scaning site etc. downloader will dwnload a specific file/trojan from your given url & will auto execute it. check it if you want execute any other file in victim pc.
"Delete Cookie" This Feature is very imported check it. fake msg if u want enable it. when victim run this trojan this fake msg will appear. also check last options it will auto select recomended options.
Now lets see on Other part it have two features one Icon Change & another one is Binder. Change the icon of your server which you are building. and bind it with any other software just by clicking on Add and then select that software & click on bind.
this section has 2 more features one is fake msg as i said if you enable it then when some one run this server file he got the fake error. enable it if you want. & another one is downloader it will auto download & execute the program just put your link there.
When you done all these steps then Click on "Build Server" it will generate the server file. Now dont send it to any one its not legal. just remember this key logging technique & be alert be save from hackers.
Thanks 4 reading.
Regards DeaTh-AnGeL
Madleets Secrity Team Crew.
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