How to Make a Ghost FB ID or You can say Invisible id without any alphabet word.
Its Simple and easy.Just Do Follow Step Correctly,
1- Use Indonesian Proxy
Its Simple and easy.Just Do Follow Step Correctly,
1- Use Indonesian Proxy
Note: if you have any vpn like "hidemyass" use that.. and bypass this manual ip changing method..
Open Google Chrome and click on the settings and search Proxy on the search bar (or) paste this on your chrome address bar “chrome://settings/search#proxy”
Click on the “Change Proxy Settings” and from the Internet Popup that appears click on “LAN Settings“.
Click on “Use a proxy settings for LAN” and use this IP “ ” & port “8080“.
Click on the “Change Proxy Settings” and from the Internet Popup that appears click on “LAN Settings“.
Click on “Use a proxy settings for LAN” and use this IP “ ” & port “8080“.

Note : Sometimes it happened that proxy doesnt work because it expires.So Dont worry just google it indonesia proxy u will get it.. :)
2- Change Your Account Language To : Bahasa Indonesia
Scroll to the bottom of the Setting and you will find English(US). You need to change it to the language in which you have entered.

3- Change your Facebook Account NameFor Changing Your Name
Go to " Settings ------->> General ------>> Name
and Change your only first name to -
> k ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ k
Remove both "k" letters and save your name .
and remove all middle and last name
5. You are done :D
some tweaks will make your Facebook profile without name like this which is given below

You can see invisible only from Smart phone N PC
Look demo
:) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007758072985
Tips & Tricks
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