Ardamax Keylogger Full Step By Step Tutorial
Step 1: Download Ardamax Keylogger
Step 2:
Now, after installing, you will get Ardamax log icon in task bar. Right click on it and select “Enter registrationkey” and make it full version by entering serial key from Serial key.txt file.
Step 3: Now, again right click on Ardamax taskbar icon and select “Remote Installation” to see Remote Installation Windows, click Next on it.
Step 4:

Click on “Next” to get Appearance screen. Here, click on “Additional components” and untick “Log Viewer” and hit Next.
Step 5:

Now,on Invisibility screen, check all options and hit Next.
Step 6: Now, on Security screen, click on “Enable” and put the password (remember this pass- you’ll need this later). Check all boxes and hit Next.

Send To : Enter email id to receive keylogs
Username and password: Enter your any Username and pass of email id for sending Keylogs on your email id which yov have mentioned above.
Now hit “Next”.
Step10: In “Control” window dont change anything and hit “Next”.

Note: Your antivirus may detect the downloaded Ardamax keylogger file as virus. Please deactivate your antivirus while installing this Ardamax keylogger. Don’t worry, I never play such cheap pranks of hacking my readers.
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